

Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop


Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop

Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop Trump’s stop in Philly comes after rallies in other deeply Democratic areas like the Bronx, NY, the Jersey Shore and Detroit

Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop
Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop

former President Donald Trump delivered a scathing critique of President Joe Biden's administration, singling out Philadelphia as a community particularly hard-hit by current policies. The event, marked by high energy and a sizable turnout, highlighted key talking points that Trump hopes will resonate with voters as he eyes a potential 2024 presidential run.

Philadelphia: A Battleground of Economic and Social Strain

Trump's remarks focused heavily on the perceived economic and social decline of Philadelphia, a city that has historically been a Democratic stronghold. He asserted that "few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia," citing a range of issues from rising crime rates to economic hardships.

"Under Biden, Philadelphia has seen a surge in violent crime, homelessness, and economic disparity," Trump told the crowd. "The policies coming out of Washington are hurting the very people they claim to protect."

Crime Rates and Public Safety

One of the main points of Trump's speech was the increase in crime rates in Philadelphia. Statistics show that the city has indeed experienced a troubling rise in violent crime over the past few years, including homicides and aggravated assaults. Trump argued that this surge is a direct result of Democratic policies that, in his view, undermine law enforcement and prioritize leniency over public safety.

"The people of Philadelphia deserve to feel safe in their own homes and neighborhoods," Trump declared. "We need leaders who will support our police, not vilify them."

Economic Challenges and Employment

Trump also highlighted economic issues, pointing to the struggles faced by small businesses and workers in Philadelphia. The pandemic severely impacted the city's economy, and recovery has been slow and uneven. Trump criticized Biden's handling of the economy, arguing that high taxes, inflation, and regulatory overreach have stifled growth and job creation.

"Our small businesses are the backbone of this country, and they are being crushed under Biden's policies," Trump said. "We need to cut taxes, reduce regulations, and create an environment where businesses can thrive."

Education and Public Health

In addition to crime and the economy, Trump touched on education and public health. He criticized school closures and remote learning policies during the pandemic, which he claimed have had long-lasting negative effects on children's education and mental health.

"Philadelphia's children have been left behind by Biden's disastrous education policies," Trump stated. "We need to reopen our schools, empower parents, and ensure that every child has access to a quality education."

Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop
Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop

The Road to 2024

Trump's rally in Philadelphia is part of a broader strategy to galvanize his base and sway undecided voters in key swing states. Pennsylvania, with its significant electoral votes, is crucial for any presidential hopeful. By focusing on the perceived failures of the Biden administration, Trump aims to position himself as the candidate who can restore order, economic prosperity, and educational excellence.

The rally also underscored Trump's continued influence within the Republican Party and his ability to mobilize supporters. As he left the stage to a chorus of cheers and chants, it was clear that his message had struck a chord with many in attendance.


Trump's claim that Philadelphia has suffered greatly under Biden's regime is a central theme in his ongoing campaign efforts. Whether this message will resonate broadly with voters remains to be seen, but it is clear that Trump is intent on using Philadelphia's struggles as a microcosm of what he sees as the broader failings of the current administration. As the political landscape heats up, the battle for hearts and minds in key communities like Philadelphia will undoubtedly be a focal point in the lead-up to the next presidential election.

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