

This state official is poised to upend Biden's DNC-approved 2024 primary calendar for New Hampshire

This state official is poised to upend Biden's DNC-approved 2024 primary calendar for New Hampshire

You are correct. New Hampshire is a key state in the presidential primary process, and its officials are considering moving the state's primary to earlier in the year. This would give New Hampshire a significant advantage in the early stages of the race, and it could potentially upend the DNC-approved primary calendar.

This state official is poised to upend Biden's DNC-approved 2024 primary calendar for New Hampshire

President Biden has already expressed his opposition to this move, and he has said that he would not participate in a primary that is held before Iowa. This could make it more difficult for Biden to win the Democratic nomination, as he would have to rely on other states to give him a boost early in the race.

It is still too early to say what the ultimate outcome of this political showdown will be. However, it is clear that the decision of New Hampshire's officials could have a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election.

Here are some of the potential implications of New Hampshire moving its primary:

  • It could give New Hampshire a significant advantage in the early stages of the race.
  • It could potentially upend the DNC-approved primary calendar.
  • It could make it more difficult for President Biden to win the Democratic nomination.
  • It could lead to a more competitive primary process.
  • It could give voters in New Hampshire more influence over the outcome of the election.

It is important to note that these are just some of the potential implications of New Hampshire moving its primary. The actual impact of this decision will depend on a number of factors, including how other states respond and how the Democratic primary process unfolds.

Unsanctioned Presidential Contest in New Hampshire

That's right. New Hampshire has long been a key state in the presidential primary process, and its status as the "First in the Nation" has given it a great deal of influence over the outcome of elections. However, the state's plans to hold an unsanctioned primary in 2024 could have a major impact on the race.

If President Biden chooses to stay off the New Hampshire ballot, it could send a signal to other candidates that he is not interested in running for re-election. This could open up the field and make it more difficult for Biden to win the nomination.

Of course, Biden could also choose to participate in the New Hampshire primary, even if it is not sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). However, this would be a risky move, as the DNC could punish him by stripping him of delegates from the state.

The situation in New Hampshire is still developing, and it is unclear how the DNC will respond to the state's plans. However, it is clear that the unsanctioned primary has the potential to create headaches for President Biden and other candidates.

Here are some of the potential consequences of New Hampshire's unsanctioned primary:

  • It could reduce the importance of the New Hampshire primary in the overall presidential primary process.
  • It could make it more difficult for President Biden to win the Democratic nomination.
  • It could lead to a more crowded and chaotic primary field.
  • It could damage the reputation of the DNC.

It is still too early to say what the ultimate impact of New Hampshire's unsanctioned primary will be. However, it is clear that this unexpected move has the potential to shake up the presidential primary process in 2024.

Implications for Biden's Campaign

Biden's decision on whether or not to participate in the New Hampshire primary is a delicate one. On the one hand, skipping the primary could be seen as a sign of weakness or a lack of confidence in his own candidacy. On the other hand, participating in the primary could be seen as a distraction from his focus on the general election.

 READ MORE: This state official is poised to upend Biden's DNC-approved 2024 primary calendar

There are a few factors that Biden will likely consider when making his decision. First, he will need to assess his own level of support in New Hampshire. If he is polling well in the state, he may feel that he has nothing to lose by participating. However, if he is polling poorly, he may decide that it is not worth the risk of losing delegates or giving his opponents a boost.

Second, Biden will need to consider the political climate in the country. If the general election is looking competitive, he may decide that it is more important to focus on his national campaign than on the New Hampshire primary. However, if the general election looks like a sure thing, he may be more willing to take a risk on the primary.

Ultimately, Biden's decision on whether or not to participate in the New Hampshire primary will be a strategic one. He will need to weigh the risks and benefits carefully before making a decision.

Here are some additional considerations that Biden may take into account:

  • The cost of campaigning in New Hampshire.
  • The potential impact on his fundraising.
  • The impact on his overall message and strategy.
  • The potential for a backlash from voters if he skips the primary.

It is a difficult decision, but Biden will need to make a choice that is in the best interests of his campaign.

The State Official's Motivations

The motives behind the state official's decision are not explicitly outlined, but there are several factors that could be considered.

One possibility is that the official is trying to challenge the dominance of the DNC and their control over the primary calendar. The DNC has long held a tight grip on the order of the primaries, and this office may be hoping to break that grip by holding New Hampshire's primary earlier than the DNC has allowed. This would give New Hampshire voters a greater say in the nomination process and could help to ensure that the Democratic nominee is more representative of the party's base.

Another possibility is that the official is simply trying to protect New Hampshire's status as the first primary state. New Hampshire has held the first primary in every presidential election since 1920, and it is a coveted position. The official may be concerned that the DNC is trying to move New Hampshire's primary to a later date, and they may be hoping to make it clear that New Hampshire is not going to give up its place in line without a fight.

Ultimately, the motives behind the state official's decision are unclear. However, the two factors that you mentioned are certainly two of the most likely possibilities. It will be interesting to see how the DNC responds to this challenge and whether or not New Hampshire's primary is ultimately moved to a later date.

In addition to the two factors that you mentioned, there are a few other possible motives that could be behind the state official's decision. For example, the official may be hoping to raise their own profile or to gain favor with the Democratic establishment. It is also possible that the official simply believes that New Hampshire voters should have a greater say in the nomination process, regardless of the DNC's wishes.

Whatever the motives, the state official's decision is sure to have a significant impact on the 2024 Democratic presidential primary. It will be interesting to see how the DNC responds and how the other primary states react.

Public Reaction and Support


The unsanctioned presidential contest in New Hampshire is a complex issue with no easy answers. There are strong arguments to be made on both sides of the debate.

This state official is poised to upend Biden's DNC-approved 2024 primary calendar for New Hampshire

Supporters of the unsanctioned primary argue that it allows for greater democratic participation. They point out that the state's residents have a long history of participating in the early stages of the presidential primary process, and that they should not be deprived of that right simply because the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has decided to change the calendar. They also argue that the unsanctioned primary will give voters in New Hampshire a chance to hear from candidates and make their voices heard before other states have a chance to vote.

 READ MORE: This state official is poised to upend Biden's DNC-approved 2024 primary calendar

Critics of the unsanctioned primary argue that it could lead to chaos and confusion. They point out that the DNC has a long history of organizing and managing the presidential primary process, and that its decision to move New Hampshire to the back of the calendar was made after careful consideration. They also argue that an unsanctioned primary could lead to a fragmented primary calendar, which could make it difficult for voters to keep track of the race and make informed decisions.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to participate in the unsanctioned primary is a personal one. Voters in New Hampshire will need to weigh the arguments on both sides and decide what is best for them.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • The DNC has said that it will not seat any delegates from New Hampshire at the national convention if the state goes ahead with the unsanctioned primary.
  • Some candidates have said that they will not participate in the unsanctioned primary, while others have said that they are still undecided.
  • The outcome of the unsanctioned primary could have a significant impact on the Democratic presidential nomination race.

It will be interesting to see how the situation develops in the coming months.

Potential Legal Battle

The DNC-approved primary calendar is a binding agreement between the Democratic National Committee and the states that participate in the primary process. By holding an unsanctioned contest, the state official in question is violating this agreement and could face legal consequences.

The DNC could sue the state in federal court, arguing that the unsanctioned contest violates the party's intellectual property rights and interferes with the party's right to control the primary process. The state could also face legal challenges from individual candidates who are harmed by the unsanctioned contest, such as candidates who are excluded from the ballot or who lose votes as a result of the contest.

It is difficult to say whether the state official's decision will withstand legal scrutiny. The outcome of any legal challenge would likely depend on a number of factors, including the specific legal arguments made by the parties involved and the interpretation of relevant federal law.

However, even if the state official's decision is ultimately upheld, the legal proceedings would undoubtedly add another layer of complexity to an already contentious political landscape. The legal challenges could drag on for months or even years, and they would likely generate a great deal of media attention and public debate. This could further divide the Democratic Party and make it more difficult for the party to unite behind a single candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

In short, the decision by the state official to hold an unsanctioned contest is a risky one that could have serious legal consequences. The legal challenges that could ensue would undoubtedly add to the already contentious political landscape and make it more difficult for the Democratic Party to unite behind a single candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Impact on the 2024 Primary Landscape

If a state official succeeds in upending the primary calendar, it would likely have far-reaching implications beyond New Hampshire. Other states might follow suit, seeking greater autonomy in shaping the primary process. This could lead to a significant restructuring of the primary calendar and alter the dynamics of future elections.

Here are some of the potential implications of upending the primary calendar:

  • Increased competition for early primary states. If other states see that New Hampshire is able to move up its primary, they may be more likely to do the same in order to gain more influence in the presidential nominating process. This could lead to a bidding war among states, as they try to outdo each other with more generous delegate allotments and earlier dates.
  • Greater focus on early state voters. If the primary calendar is restructured, candidates will need to focus more on early-state voters in order to build momentum and raise money. This could mean that candidates spend less time campaigning in later-voting states, which could disadvantage those states' voters.
  • Changes to the dynamics of future elections. If the primary calendar is changed, it could have a significant impact on the dynamics of future elections. For example, if more diverse states move up their primaries, this could lead to a more diverse field of presidential candidates.

It is important to note that these are just some of the potential implications of upending the primary calendar. The actual impact of such a change would depend on a number of factors, including the specific changes that are made to the calendar and the reactions of other states. However, it is clear that such a change would have a significant impact on the presidential nominating process.


The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be a very interesting one, and New Hampshire is sure to play a major role. The potential exclusion of President Biden from the primary ballot is a significant development, and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I think it is important to stay informed about the latest developments in New Hampshire and their impact on the broader primary process.

Here are some of the key questions that I think will need to be answered in the coming months:

  • Will President Biden decide to run for re-election?
  • If he does run, will he be able to secure a spot on the New Hampshire primary ballot?
  • How will the potential exclusion of President Biden affect the race for the Democratic nomination?
  • Will the New Hampshire primary still be as significant in 2024 if President Biden is not on the ballot?

I think these are all important questions, and I am eager to see how they are answered in the coming months. I believe that the developments in New Hampshire will have a major impact on the 2024 presidential election, so it is important to stay informed about what is happening.

 READ MORE: This state official is poised to upend Biden's DNC-approved 2024 primary calendar

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